Selected jokes, aphorisms and definitions ...... Issue 4, 18.06.00


- Is there a solution in a desperate situation?
- Sometimes the only solution in any situation is a feat.
 (c) * Mark

- Why do women ask men to change the lightbulb?
- That's the only time they see Prometeus in them.
 (c) * Slava

- What is modesty?
- Asking for five dollars as change from a dollar and not blushing.
 (c) * Blondie

- Does a woman have to be smart?
- There are no smart women: there are "delightfully silly" and "grossly stupid"!
 (c) M. Zhvanetsky

- What doesn't bite, and doesn't let you in the house?
- Polite husband of your mistress.
 (c) * Tom Cat


- Earth - for the peasants! Factories - for the workers! Water - for the sailors! Space - for the astronauts! Moon - for the loonies!
 (c) * Phil
- Turkey - for the turkeys!
 (c) * Killer

- Doctors advise: 1) Never get upset at trivialities. 2) Everything is trivial.
 (c) * Pro
- Patients advise: 1) Never upset your doctor with trivialities. 2) All diseases are trivialities for them.
 (c) * Slava

- Repetition is the mother of learning and the father of deep sleep.
 (c) A. Podvodny
- Repetition is the sister of hypnosis.
 (c) * Yozhik

- Love is hard - you'll fall in love even with a goat.
 (c) russian proverb
- Love is hard - you'll fall in love.
 (c) * Dr.

- If you have a fountain, shut it down - let the fountain rest.
 (c) K. Prutkov
- If you have a fan, shut him up - let the fan rest.
 (c) A. Knyshev


DIPLOMAT- a man who can answer you in such a way that you forget the question.
 (c) Constantine Melikhan

YEAR- 365 days consisting of useful sleep and useless wakefullness.
 (c) * Pro

IDEAL HUSBAND- the husband of an ideal wife.
 (c) * Slava

LAWYER- a person who'll help you get his due.
 (c) Laurence J. Peter

~ One-liners ~

I told them that I'm mute.
 (c) A.A.Zakharchuk

You're so desirable! I long for morning!
 (c) Vishnevsky

He always carried an answering machine.
 (c) A.Haitin, V.Grubman

She was modest to indecency...
 (c) StarPerry

Ashamed, her face she covered with her skirt...
 (c) StarPerry

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